
How to Start A Podcast in 6 Steps

It’s easy to want to start a podcast, but that much harder when it comes to executing it. So here’s making your life simpler by informing you about the five steps involved in starting a podcast. Mindset & Niche: If you believe that you are going to start a podcast in the heat of the moment and then five episodes later realize, it’s not something you want to do any longer - that’s not how you go about making a fool of yourself. The amount of time, energy, preparation, and the money that you invest in bringing up this project and then giving it up, is not the right way to go about starting a podcast. So starting the podcast with the right mindset and figuring out the niche for your brand is what will keep you going and possibly make your podcast a success. This is an essential step for any aspiring podcaster - especially a ‘must-do’ before stepping into getting a podcast room rental . Consistency: Most of the unsuccessful podcasters have one thing in common - inconsisten...

7 Ways That Help You Make An Impact With Your Podcast

While listening to something, how do you actually determine if it is intriguing or not? It’s the content that you listen to. Isn't it? Nothing else matters when it's just the audio to judge.  That is why every podcast recorder primarily focuses on content and often forgets the other features that make it a success. Here, we have the list to follow that helps you make an impact with your podcast. Yes, content is the king, but other things matter too. Let's focus on those.  Plan the Intros and Don't Forget About the Outros There are two points to consider in intros and outros. First, we know most of you plan your intros and it seems if you have already found a tone. But, try and keep a little bit of spontaneity in how you introduce yourself and your topic. It shouldn’t sound like you have planned it.  Second, many of us tend to forget how important are the outros. Outros, especially when you have another episode that continues your topic of conversa...